
Jan 25th = rock no. 25! I’m looking at today’s rock and asking myself where did that come from! I was tempted once again to correct myself and allow the perfectionist within to have control but I let go and instead the design took shape. I went to the beach this morning and it was […]


Day 24 – It has been a long day and I am posting these rocks after midnight! I’ve had the challenge of photographing at night, something I’m not too keen on doing but a nice side lamp is doing the trick. He aha nga hua mo te rangi? Well…made some progress today and am seeing […]


I had a lovely time with whanau today. Spent some time with Dad, Uncles, Aunty, cuzzies, nieces and nephew and connected with another cuzzie who I haven’t seen for ages here on Facebook as well! It was so special to see three brothers sitting at the table talking about a whole lot of stuff, laughing, […]

Koru no. 2

Today’s rock is pretty massive, I have to hold it in two hands! But I wanted to paint something big-ger today, to allow more freedom with my brush, not too much focus on finer detail and to just allow the koru to flow from the rock…a healing shape that always captivates me… Koru for me […]


Had a wonderful day yesterday. (yes! this is yesterday’s rock!!) We went from sea to bush and I spent the day with a special young woman who has an amazing talent for art. We captured sounds and visuals of the sea at Paora Rd with Leah and Keith and also the bush up at Puniho […]


I have the urge to speak about aroha today – perhaps its because I have had conversation over the past couple of days about aroha or because this whole week has been filled with expressions of aroha both seen and felt. The sharing of breath – that is a such a beautiful way of speaking […]