
There are a lot of videos on the internet showing the devastation of the disaster in Japan, footage that you would not see on mainstream television. I can’t bring myself to watch it right now. The comments are painting a picture for me and it scares me to even take a look! A lot of […]


I was reading a post yesterday from Ray – a Vipassana meditation friend who had just come off a course serving for 11 days. And he was asking what had gone on in the world while he was on the course. It’s a bit like that when you have no contact with the outside world! […]

Tumanako – Hope

It’s two days after the earthquake and I can’t help but base my korero around this. As I write this, the rain is pelting down outside here in Gisborne and I think about the need for water in Otautahi, but at the same time I am so glad that it is not raining there at […]


Day 41 I’m detoxing right now and although its the first day, I can already feel the effects of it. Its like I’ve automatically switched into detox mode! But detox for me is not just about my physical body detoxing, its about detoxing my whole being – if that makes sense! Its like having a […]

Ko Rangi Ko Papa

Ko Rangi Ko Papa Ka puta ko Rongo, Ko Tane Mahuta Ko Tangaroa Ko Tumatauenga Ko Haumietiketike Ko Tawhirimatea Tokona te Rangi ki runga Ko Papa ki raro Ka puta ki te whai ao ki te ao marama Tihe i a mauriora! I just can’t get away from Rangi and Papa because Rangi and Papa […]


Today, we went and watched a movie called Water Whisperers here in New Plymouth. It was about the importance of looking after our water not only for now but for future generations. It also talked about water as being the blood lines of Papatuanuku – our earth mother and if we stop that flow of […]