
It was a real challenge to paint this rock today. Layer upon layer upon layer and finally after the fourth layer – something that I felt happy with! It reminds me of my first big painting on canvas – my life mandala. There are at least 10 layers on that painting and I even stripped […]


It’s been one of those days where I’ve just felt like curling up with a book. One project has ended and a few others are waiting on the horizon but I’m just wanting to catch my breath for a little bit… I’m in that in between space again; reflecting, resting and re-energising… Purple. It’s one […]

Six Pixels of Separation

Six Pixels of Separation – It’s the title of a book I’ve read at least five times by Mitch Joel and it speaks about how we are all connected. So if I don’t know you then I will probably know someone who knows you who knows someone you know that I know too…I think you […]


I was inspired today by a kōrero from an Irish woman who had been blind from birth but didn’t realise she was blind until she was 17 years old. Her parents instilled in her from three years old, a belief that she could see and so she went about her life – physically blind but […]


We have some lovely Māori kupu and pāua is one of them! pāua – A delicious seafood eaten by Māori especially yummy fried with onions, garlic and did I say creamed? pāua – A clingy child (or an adult) in some cases. Can also be a close friend. pāua – The name of the purple […]


This is the first day that I’ve really felt the cold! I’m sitting with a blanket wrapped around me as I post this – not wanting to accept that winter is coming! Although I think I’ve softened a bit since living in the East. When I was living up the mountain in Taranaki – now […]