The Space In Between

I love this rock I’ve painted today. It’s one of my favorite rocks so far. It was very soothing to paint. The weather is changing. It’s been raining for most of the day and I’ve been in a different space. An in between space where I’m neither her nor there, just in between. It’s kind […]


Feeling like sending lots and lots of aroha today to everyone wherever you are!!! I believe in the power of love and am feeling all the love flowing around Aotearoa right now! I believe it is at times like this when we are vulnerable, that we reach out, we connect and we remember who we […]

Te Ao Mārama

An understanding… te ao mārama – the world of light, life, earth, physical world ao – the world, light, specific period, cloud, a day, dawning of the day mārama – illuminating light, to understand, be clear, light marama – moon, month And those are just the short answers! I love our Māori language because it […]

Tumanako – Hope

It’s two days after the earthquake and I can’t help but base my korero around this. As I write this, the rain is pelting down outside here in Gisborne and I think about the need for water in Otautahi, but at the same time I am so glad that it is not raining there at […]