
Has anyone seen the Bee Movie? Oh my gosh – this is such a COOL movie!
We watched it last night and were in fits of laughter and the animation is awesome! It’s a family movie, very well made and with an important message, actually, I think more movies with important messages need to be made like this – engaging, colourful and funny!
koru hand painted rocks
So what is it’s message? The importance of bees and the cross pollination work they do for the stability of our ecosystems and plant species which sustain the health and longevity of our planet and people!
Bees are SO important! And even though this movie was funny, after watching it, I also started to think of honey in a different way, sort of like oil – yes we have a use for it, it helps us but is it good for the bees when we have our hives collecting all THEIR honey for US?

I don’t know the answer to this question but I know that bees also need the honey as a food source…
So GO THE BEES! Next time you think about swatting a bee – think of how important that bee you just swatted WAS to your survival! And you MUST watch the movie – there are so many funny scenes like all these insects that talk to each other going back and forward on the window wipers of a car and a whole colony of bees flying a plane? You have to watch to fully appreciate what I mean – haven’t laughed so much in ages!
Jo x

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