
What a day!
That’s all I want to say – nah just kidding : )
koru hand painted rock
But it has been one of those days – so many things to do, sending this thing to this person and that person, doing this, doing that, organising this and that, emails, marking students work, things to do downtown, packing suitcase which means putting everything in a pile for now, checking flights are all cool and I have got the right day, oh and painting, photographing and writing about rock but I’ve been doing that for 250 days straight now – māma taua mahi – easy mahi that one!

Oh and did I say I did yoga too? One of the most important parts of the day. And SO much more I achieved!
How does one fit so much into one day and remain sane?
I remember when I used to try and cram eveything into one day and would stress so much that nothing got done – but it’s amazing what drives you and how organised you can be when you want to be. I remember asking how to have more time to do things – now I know – time can be created!!
And anything is possible I believe.
So anyway, that was a big “whew!” for the day – it’s the end of the day, a later post than normal which will set the tone for the next two weeks I reckon as I embark on my journey across the seas into a different time zone and land…the journey begins tomorrow… first stop Tamaki Makaurau! Rugby World Cup begins and I’m leaving the country – fantastic!
Jo x
115 days to go for the year – I remember thinking two weeks was an achievement, now I’m heading for the finish line but I reckon when I get there the next thing will have already started : )

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