Inspired From Within

I never know what is going to come out on the rock until after I’ve painted it. And today’s rock is a different one – not my “usual” spiral painting, although the spiral is still there.
But that is the joy of creating something in the moment, painting intuitively and just allowing the brush to do it’s thing.
koru hand painted rock
I was thinking about my paintings on kohatu and even though I draw inspiration from my connection to the environment and being Māori, my art is not Māori art.
It has never been my intention to create Māori art, although at times my whakaaro may be inspired by things Māori. The designs I paint come from a place that knows no boundaries, a universal space that could be from anywhere…
I’ve been creating koru / spirals for as long as I can remember but this was long before I learned anything about Māori art. As a child, I drew spirals as borders, it seemed like a natural thing to do.
I believe my inspiration for this work is exactly that; inspiration – inspired from within and to label my work as this type of art or that type of art would limit its possibilities and potential.
I love Māori art but I feel most connected to the art that nature creates; the many patterns, shapes and colours…and our most ancient art form – rock art. Perhaps this is why I love painting rocks…
Now where is this all leading? I don’t know – I just wanted to say that. And it’s something I’ve been wanting to say for a while but perhaps didn’t have the courage. Culture is a funny thing…sometimes we may feel the need (or pressure) to fit into our cultural boundaries, but I don’t think life is supposed to be this way and maybe thats another story for another post!
Jo x

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