Tena Koe

I was pleasantly surprised when I boarded the plane home today and the guy at the counter said to me “kiaora” and then as I left he said, “Tēnā koe” I thought, wow that is SO awesome that someone has taken the time to learn our reo and is using it to greet people as […]

The Alchemist

Di gave me The Alchemist by Coelho to read and so it is coming home with me, kind of like a companion… I first heard about it 13 years ago when I was taking photographs on the Kaituna River. One of the rafting guides mentioned it to me and I thought, wow that sounds like […]

Whanau Is

Cousin Tina picked me up today so it was nice to catch up with her and reminisce about the times we’ve spent together and how far we’ve come since then… And then catching up with cousin Kiri was, as always a joyful and interesting experience! But so wonderful to spend time with her again too! […]

Words of the Moment

Memories of times gone by, beautiful healing with Di, present moment, going with the flow and just doing what ever you feel in any point and time… Challenging, growing, changing, new beginnings, every day a new life… Arohanui, Jo x Happy birthday to my darling niece Ani who turned 16 today. How appropriate that a […]